Dr. J Rx Omega 3 Fish oil is Prescription strength without the prescription

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A 40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? link below!

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These links are provided for your convience and education purpose only.

40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? The Omega 3 and B12 Myth with Dr. Michael Greger Video

Genetically Modified Soy and Cancer

Why Do Raw Food Vegans Die of Disease?

Omega-3 fatty acids Overview University of Maryland Medical Center

Omega-3 lipid emulsions markedly protect brain after stroke in mouse study

Columbia University Medical Center Omega-3 Lipid Emulsions Markedly Protect Brain After Stroke in Mouse Study

mayoclinic Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, alpha-linolenic acid

Brain Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increase Brain Volume 
While Reversing Many Aspects of Neurologic Aging

CNN report Fish Oil is cited for healing injured brain video

CNN Report Fish oil helped save our son video

US National Library of Medicine National Insitutes of Health Omega-3 fatty acids as a putative treatment for traumatic brain injury.

Fish Oil Helped Save Our Son By Dr. Mercola

Omega-3 and brain injury: interview with Dr. Michael Lewis MD

The Omega wave

Fish oils are supposed to boost our brainpower. But do the facts really stack up? We went in search of the evidence.

An injection of fish oil to reduce brain damage of stroke victims

Brain health dramatically improved by intake of omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils

Fox News Fish oil supplements may shield against Alzheimer's, study finds

Omega-3 Supplements for Alzheimer’s Disease

Omega 3 Fish Oil And Alzheimer's Disease


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